antHill cannot find or activate your antsle

antHill cannot find or activate your antsle

Here is a series of videos for trouble shooting anthill activation in our docs:

Here are some of the steps from the video:
Is your ethernet cable plugged into the correct ethernet port (br0)? as shown here:

Can you connect to antMan on the antsle via a browser?

Or connect to the antsleOS command line via SSH

or if on Windows use Putty (

If you can connect to antMan and the command line, then check out this article on our forum to check if the anthilld service is running and check if the antsle can communicate with the public internet.

If not, connect a monitor and keyboard and login with your root user and password.

Then we can check the IP address the antsle received.
Run the following command

    ifconfig br0

If you get the IP address then we can use that to access antMan. antMan listens on port 3000.

and to SSH to the antsle

    ssh root@x.x.x.x

Now that we are connected, we can check the anthilld service and test communication with the public internet as discussed in the forum post or the trouble shooting videos.

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